Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Scarlet letter pages 75-112 :)

As I began to read chapter 5, I was very surprised by some of the things going on. First, There was the questioning of how Hester was going to act after she got out of prison. 'But now, with this unattended walk from her prison door began the daily custom,and she must either sustain and carry it forward by the ordinary resources, or sink beneath'. (Hawthorne 75) I hope in the upcoming chapters that Hester will be able to go and on with her life and never sink beneath and think about her pain. Another thing that brought attention to me was that Hester did not flee from Boston after she was released out of prison. If I was in Hester's situation, I would want to get out right away! I wouldn't want to see the constant stares of people causing me pain because of my scarlet letter. To my surprise, Hester choose to live in a abandoned cottage in Boston with her daughter Pearl.
As a women myself, I truly feel bad for how Hester and her Pearl are still being treated months after the incident! 'Children, too young to comprehend wherefore this women should be shut out from the sphere of human charaities discerning the scarlet letter on her breast would scamper off with a strange, contagious fear.'(Hawthorne 78)Also, poor Pearl an Hester get mud thrown at them because I think parents did not want their children to be near her and her mother. 'When strangers looked curiously at the scarlet letter-and none ever failed to do so-they branded it into Hester's soul.'(Hawthorne 83) I feel so terribly for her that she always had to walk around hiding the scarlet letter because she felt so much shame while it showed her sins.
I really liked the way they talk in the novel on why Hester choose to name her daughter Pearl. 'But she named the infant 'Pearl', as being of great prize-purchased with all she had-she mother's only treasure! I find it sad that Pearl is the only thing she has to depend on in life but very sweet that she cares for her so much.One question that I have from reading this section of the story was why did she pick needle work to help her get over her sins?
Going into chapter 7, Hester needs to visit the governor to see if it is true that she might get her daughter taken away from her because she is a 'demon' child. Something I found interesting was that during this visit Hester and Pearl went into the garden and saw some rosebushes. 'Pearl,seeing the rosebushes,began to cry, for a red rose, and would not be pacified.'(Hawthorne 103) Why did she begin to cry? This part was a little confusing to me. In this part of the story, I could not believe that the governor thought that Pearl came from the Devil, while Hester said her baby was brought to her from God! And during this part I  kept  reading carefully about the kind relationship Pearl and the minister had.


stw923 said...

Do you think Hester could have actually left Boston? She is a woman with a child and no husband and shot at a career? It seems like she SHOULD run away, but realistically COULD she have run away?

Unknown said...

I see what you mean-considering she really had no job it might have been better to stay in Boston. However, it might have been good for her to get a fresh start in another city where people don't really know her story.

going off topic a little- I checked edline and saw I got a 70 on my responses...why did I?

Unknown said...

I see why now you gave the 70... see I posted a comment on Brandon's blog and when I just checked now nothing was there! I defiantly remember doing it so I don't know how it could not have posted..

stw923 said...

Someone else had trouble with their posts disappearing... I only see a response for you on Gabby's for the first blog. However, I see that you posted on Bella and Leah so far (I am not done reading responses yet!)

Unknown said...

Oh really- no I also commented on Tiarah's 2! It's not fair that my grade got lowered b/c of disappearing comments.. and for the second post I also commented on Rita's so I hope you saw that one!