Friday, March 28, 2014

3rd blog on Huck Finn :)

Right now in the book, Huck is beginning to have second thoughts about helping out his slave friend Jim.  'But you knowed he was running for his freedom, and you could have paddled ahead and told somebody.' (Twain, 109). I understand why Huck is feeling this particular way. Back then, it was uncalled for to help a slave, so Huck is going against the way of life back then by helping Jim to freedom. I thought it was so sweet when Jim was talking about saving up money to buy his wife back, then his kids when he gets to a free state. Huck really showed courage when he had to lie to the man who was a skiff that Jim was a white man. 'Well there's five niggers run off to-night ,up younder above the head of the bend. Is your man white or black.' (Twain, 111). He tells the man that he is white so they won't take Jim away. I think that Huck did the right thing by standing up for Jim because they have been traveling for a while together, and he can't lose him! One last thing that was interesting was when they mentioned in the story that slaves cause bad luck. This bad luck led to Huck having the feelings towards why the snake attacked them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2nd blog on freedom and enslavement for Huck Finn!

As the chapters progress, there is still a lot of talk regarding to Freedom and Enslavement. There is talk of enslavement when they mention that, 'a government can't sell a free nigger till he's been in the state six months.' (Twain, 29). Hucks's father keeps ranting on about this while he is drunk, and address that he will never vote again because a black person was allowed to. Huck also uses the theme Freedom to go to school. He quotes, 'I didn't want to go to school much, before. but I reckoned I'd go now to spite Pap.' (Twain, 24). Huck gains freedom by going to school because he is tired of the way his father has been acting towards him, plus he is always drunk. Due to this fact (and Ms. Watson could not adopt him), he has chosen to run away to Jackson's Island to make a life for himself. Here, he also finds out that the slave Ms. Watson was holding (Jim) is also on the island hiding out. A women named Sarah has spoken to them about how people are saying that Huck was killed by possibly Jim. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

First Blog on Enslavement and Freedom- The Adventures of Huck Finn

The theme of 'Freedom and Enslavement' is addressed through-out the novel 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.' It is ironic in the story that a 'good white women' like Miss. Watson holds slaves in her home. ''By- and by-they fetched the niggers in then had prayers, then everyone went to bed.'' (Twain, 3). Miss. Watson is portraying  this theme by calling her slaves in during pray time. In chapter 2, Huck does not treat the slave Jim right. He ''slipped Jim's hat off his head and hung it on a limb right over him.'' (Twain, 6). I think that  Huck and Miss Watson are not being good role models when it comes to the slaves. Even being around Jim causes Huck to feel very uncomfortable. He only experiences an itch when he is around him, however it goes away once he leaves him. One last thing is that Huck tries to gain some freedom away from his controlling father who is a drunk. Having him living with the Widow Douglas/Miss.Watson at least gives him some freedom in his life. I'm hoping to see a change in the view slavery between Huck and Miss Watson/the Widow as the book continues to progress. I am also hoping to see the aspect of freedom change for different characters in the book, especially the slaves.