Monday, March 10, 2014

First Blog on Enslavement and Freedom- The Adventures of Huck Finn

The theme of 'Freedom and Enslavement' is addressed through-out the novel 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.' It is ironic in the story that a 'good white women' like Miss. Watson holds slaves in her home. ''By- and by-they fetched the niggers in then had prayers, then everyone went to bed.'' (Twain, 3). Miss. Watson is portraying  this theme by calling her slaves in during pray time. In chapter 2, Huck does not treat the slave Jim right. He ''slipped Jim's hat off his head and hung it on a limb right over him.'' (Twain, 6). I think that  Huck and Miss Watson are not being good role models when it comes to the slaves. Even being around Jim causes Huck to feel very uncomfortable. He only experiences an itch when he is around him, however it goes away once he leaves him. One last thing is that Huck tries to gain some freedom away from his controlling father who is a drunk. Having him living with the Widow Douglas/Miss.Watson at least gives him some freedom in his life. I'm hoping to see a change in the view slavery between Huck and Miss Watson/the Widow as the book continues to progress. I am also hoping to see the aspect of freedom change for different characters in the book, especially the slaves.


stw923 said...

Nice start Vicky! Do you think that the sisters are slaves to their religious beliefs? They are so guided by these ideas that it controls every decision in their for thought.

stw923 said...

Vicky, don't forget that when you are responding, you should ONLY be responding to people in your group. NOT the entire class.

Unknown said...

I only went on two people blogs... I don't understand how I would have commented on everyone's . :/ Srry-I'll try to fix it.

Unknown said...

The only people I commented on were two people who did freedom and enslavement.

Unknown said...

I thought it was interesting that you thought that Huck feels free living with the Widow. I suppose it could go both ways, hes free from his dad by living with her, but he is enslaved by her and her morals and beliefs. I'm also wondering if we will see any changes with this theme as the novel continues like you said. Maybe the Widow AND Huck will change their ways and opinions.

Unknown said...

I like how you addressed how Miss. Watson and Huck influenced the slaves' lives. I didn't think of it that way :) i also agree that Huck has more freedom living with the widow than with his father or on his own, even though Huck may not think of it that way

Unknown said...

I agree with you when you mention how Miss Watson "a good white women" holds slaves in her home. I do not think it is right that she calls them to prayer and then makes them return to their slave lives. Also you made me see that living with the Widow Douglas gave him freedom in his life supposed to living with his father. I feel bad for Huck having a man like that in his life, meaning his father.